Friday, July 31, 2009

How come all the library books that I want to check out are always checked out?

I'm always noticing by the due dates, seems like people always renew (or overdue) the books that I want, it's like they want to keep the book forever so that no one else can get it. Also, I hate being put on hold. My library is in a neighborhood on the outskirts of a larger city so it's neither rural or urban, I don't know what you call that (place that is neither rural or urban). The library is part of the county branch libraries.

How come all the library books that I want to check out are always checked out?
Because they are very good books.

You have good taste in books.
Reply:can you reserve books?
Reply:Sorry to hear that. If putting the book on hold is not working for you, ask your librarian if he or she will put in a request for an extra copy through the interlibrary loan service.

Bon chance cher

Reply:And I believe they call the ouskirts of a larger city "suburban".

My library has a website and I can reserve books any time I can get internet access. My library card number has an account and I can check there for when my book becomes available.

Just yesterday I finally got a book that someone else had out until their last possible due date. I saw that I went from first on the list to it being available and I picked it up last night.

I also use interlibrary loan. There are some books that get recommended to me and they are not available on this end of the state but I can get them through interlibrary loan from all over the state.

I get a lot of popular books on theology that many public libraries don't have but interlibrary loan gets books from some of the private colleges. The private colleges sometimes have the books I need.
Reply:Put the books you want on hold or reserve so when they come in the library can notify you and you go pick them up and you can read them.You can also get the library to get books from surrounding libraries to reserve books for you. That is how I get some of my research books. I get books from all over the country and I live in a rural area. I catalog and research antique violins and sometimes I need specific books that are very hard to find and certain library or university libraries will loan their books.I live in Florida and get books from New York, Wa.Calf.etc.
Reply:See if the library has an Inter-Library Loan system, with which they can get books from other libraries. This might only work, though, if your library doesn't have the particular book you want.

Also, check around and see if any friends have the books.:-)

Good luck, and sorry--I understand your frustration.
Reply:I agree with putting the books on hold. What you may not know is that people cannot renew books if someone is waiting for them.
Reply:Did you know you can rent books online with services similar to Netflix or Gamefly? There are two.. Booksfree and Book Swim.

Here are the links:

No due dates, just a monthly fee..

Otherwise, I'd suggest calling ahead and reserving the book for whenever it is available. Then, when they get it in, they'll tell you and you can go get it. Most libraries will do this for you. I'd also try calling into other libraries like you said you are on the outskirts of a larger city.. If you are desperate, I suppose you can go there! (I'd call first, to make sure they have the book you want first, so you don't waste gas/time.)
Reply:I don't know what you can do about other people always having the books you want (I know how frustrating that is, though!), but most libraries let you reserve the books you want. That'll put you on the waiting list so you're guaranteed to get the book when it gets checked back in.
Reply:The librarians are doing a good job by letting you check out the books you want, to check out, so you will go home with them.

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