Thursday, July 30, 2009

What books do you recomend for some one who is very interested in zoology, biology?

I like books with lots of color photos and drawings, sintax that is not too complicated and dense, but introduces advanced vocab.

What books do you recomend for some one who is very interested in zoology, biology?
I don't have particular recommendations other than to say that bookstores always seem to have books on animals and envioronments that are intriguing. If I was just getting started in studying these subjects, I'd actually look first in the young readers' section of the store. Books for young people are much more reliable than those for adults if illustrations are important to you. Those books also offer information in easy-to-grasp ways, but introduce vocabulary that you need to read higher level material. I wouldn't suggest you read "kiddie" books, but rather books for teen readers and then look in the adult section for books. You will be better able to judge what you want because you will have some "formal" learning already done.


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