Friday, May 21, 2010

Does anyone have any books that could renew my interest in literature?

I love to read and do so often and all the time. However, lately I have found it hard to find any books that really spark my interest. Does anyone have any suggestions that coud help me? I love fantasy, but will read almost anything. I have read almost all of the well-known classics, everything by Anne Rice, Agatha Christie, Robin McKinley, and all sorts of other others. Please help me!

Does anyone have any books that could renew my interest in literature?
The Five People You Meet In Heaven
Reply:I love literature so much as if it's my life that when I go to a bookstore I will go to the Literature section. I love the poetry of Elizabeth Barrett Browning and the tragedies of Shakespeare. Maybe you would also like to try the famous Pride and Prejudices, Madame Bovary, A Scarlet Letter and Arabian Nights if you haven't tried. Just find time reading...God bless you!
Reply:The Gate to Women's Country by Sherri Tepper
Reply:There were a number of really good books published within the last year or so. I asked only for books this past Christmas and haven't worked my way through all of them yet. Some of my favorites:

'Arthur %26amp; George' by Julian Barnes -- Based on the true story of how Sir Arthur Conan Doyle struggled to clear the name of a young man accused of mutilating livestock.

'Never Let Me Go' by Kazuo Ishiguro -- My favorite of his since 'Remains of the Day'.

'Zorro' by Isabel Allende -- I was annoyed by the amount of space dedicated to Zorro's unrequited puppy love but an enjoyable tale nonetheless.
Reply:try books by Keri Aurthor, Sherrilyn Kennon, Susan Sizemore, Kinnley MacGreagor, Lora Leigh...all have series that I love
Reply:Find Isaac Asimov in your library.

The Foundation Series is one of the all time best series.

Even beating JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Ring Series in a special

Hugo Award ceremony. (1965?)

I also enjoy Louis L'amour's historical fiction. Such as his later books.
Reply:The Bear Went Over the Mountain- funny as heck!

The Prophet's Way by Thom Hartmann - very poignant, fast paced, and inspiring

Email me if you choose to read either of those!
Reply:I'm reading Midnight's Children right now by Salman Rushdie. i read The Satanic Versus by him recently. they are really dense and hard to get through, but if you love reading they shouldn't be a problem. they are like nothing i have ever read before. Eureka Street by Robert McLeam Wilson. it's just, really really well written. oh gosh, I'm trying to think of books you my not have read, Motherless Brooklyn, about a tourettic detective. twelve. can't remember the author of either of those, but worth checking out. these are the books i recommend to everybody, they are pretty much fail safes.
Reply:YOUR MOM!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:How many people do you think are going to say Harry Potter... I hate those books...

You should try reading some Stephen King books like Dark Half or Black House...
Reply:Anansi Boys -- Neil Gaiman

Divided Kingdom -- Rupert Thomson

Automated Alice -- Jeff Noon

The Gnole -- Alan Aldridge

Cannery Row -- John Steinbeck

Girl, Interrupted -- Susanna Kaysen

Perdido Street Station -- China Mieville

Gates of Eden -- Ethan Coen

Carter Beats the Devil -- Glen David Gold

Maus -- Art Spiegelman

The Vesuvius Club -- Mark Gatiss

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell -- Susanna Clarke

Anything by these authors is, in my humble opinion, great. Try them out.
Reply:I would recommend the book "The Phantom of the Opera" by Gaston Leroux. It is a great book that is well written.

If you are familiar with the musical The Phantom of the Opera, you might find it interesting to compare the book to the musical. I saw the musical before I read the book and it was really neat reading another version of it, the original version.

Even if you haven't seen the musical and you aren't familiar with it, the book itself is a great read and a great story. It is considered one of the classics. I highly recommend it.

Happy reading!

Ruby Red Rose

Reply:if you like sci-fi and fantasy better check out Dresden files book series by Jim Butcher.It narrates the story of Harry Dresden,chicago's only professional wizard.He stands between the general population who is ignorant about the supernatural world and the monsters-vampires,werewolves,fey.He is aided by Bob,a talking skull.Karrin Murphy-a police officer and Thomas-a white court vampire.

Another good series is the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon.The books provide an alternate take on vampires.People who are unjustly murdered call upon Artemis(Greek goddess) and she grants them a day to avenge themselves.After that they are recruited to her army to fight against evil.

Reilly's Luck by Louis L'Amour.Its a western.A young boy is abandoned by his own mother(she tells her boyfriend to kill him)The boy ends up with a gambler and he brings him up.Turns out to be the best gamble he ever made.The boy grows up and later kills the people who murdered the gambler.

If you like duels and intergue try Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini.Its about Andre-Louis an illegitimate young lawyer who swears a vendetta against the noble man Marquis de La Tour d'Azyr who killed his friend.Its set in the days before and during the French Revolution.You can download this from

If you like fantasy try the Dragon Jousters series by Mercedes Lackey.The first book 'Joust', is about Vetch a young serf who is rescued by a Dragon Jouster from his cruel master.He becomes a Dragon boy(one who takes care of dragons).Later he secretly hatches his own dragon.The later two books are about how he escapes to his native Alta and how the war between Alta and Tia ends.The setting reminds you of Ancient Egypt.

The door to december by Dean Koontz.A psychiatrist's daughter was kidnapped by her ex-husband years ago. When the daughter is finally found, the real fight begins. One by one the people who held her captive become mysteriously tortured and killed. Everyone is afraid the young girl will be next.

The mystery unravels as to what happened to the young girl while she was kidnapped. The young girl, Melanie, is unable to speak, but her mother soon learns that the young girl went through extreme torture as her father used her for a rat in his experiments.

Mail me.i'll be happy to recommend more.
Reply:Please do yourself a favor if you have not yet read "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn", read it. My mother suggested this book while I commuted on the train to and from work. It was so good, I have read it over and over again for about 10 years!!!

Also, if you are a woman, you may enjoy "Shelia Levine is dead and Living in New York" It is a true favorite of mine. A guy may not see the humor in it though!
Reply:I forget the author's name, but I'd suggest a book called "Dead Men Do Tell Tales". It's non-fiction and provides interesting insight into the life of a forensic pathologist.

I wrote The Throne Room

By Greg Belter your's truly!

seeing visions from the afterlife makes it easy for me to write about them. I just wish more people would by my books. I wrote 7

I think because my books are so shockingpeople may be afraid to read them. Good luck!


garden ridge

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